I don't know what happened to me. I kept day dreaming and thinking of the black Nikon camera. ughh. Worse! I dremt of it . I just can't take it out from my head.
I woke up early at 4am due to the menstruation stomach ache. Then I can't sleep till like 5? ugg.
Ayah send me a msg that made me cry. I must improve in my studies this year. I wanna make daddy proud. and mommy too . ouhh, found my goal !
I send Ezza to the bus top and force myself to take the 2nd bus as I want to have a seat in the bus.When I met my darling friends at school, wuhh ! I forgot about my stomach . I miss them so much !Then I met them again during recess time and we shared stories! Guess what ? After long long m.i.a from Fazli, he came back ! yeyey!In the class and at the hall, I can't possibly count how many times I yawned. And the show-offer Mr Eric Koh made it worse. blabb bla blahhhhh !Then in the bus from school I saw ite friend and rizal clone. hurss.
Labels: Nikon Rocks .
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