i woke up at 5.30 in the morning and realize i didn't watched Peterpan yesterday night.i slept at 9.30 last night.but luckily sensasi got, at 10 am n 4 pm.amirul sms me saying bus 3 just left.around 5 mins later, another bus came.b4 the expressway, i saw another bus 3 infront. WHY? hmpphh.weird.then i asked my friend, Belinda whose in that 'bus did the bus broke down?'she said no.the bus driver went to the west plaza toilet.ahahahaha.i saw the full moon and it was so beautiful!every month, we need to give the welfare rep $2 for birthday gift for our class.we are suppose to write what we want and i wrote down.. 1)spongebob phone strap 2)spongebob kechain 3) a rose. dnt time we get sweets.recess tyme i saw this chinese gerl, holding to spongebob pencil box lyke datt..jealous uhh..after school, we, as a class did 60 push-ups and plp were looking at us.MALU,MALU!mr hisham decreace it to 100 instead of 150.that night when i pack my bag 4 tomorow, i noticed my spongbob kechain that i placed it at my beg wasn't there. URGHHHH!& these pix i took was at 4pm.I JUST WANNA SAY GOOD LUCK FOR THE PEEPS WHO IS RECEIVING THEIR O RESULT 2MOROW,especially kak eera n abg kiki
ariel n uki!
ariel dan ukiiiiii !
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