
Alhamdulillah, aku dapat bertemu dengan Syawal lagi. Insyallah, aku akan berjumpa dengan Ramadan tahun depan, Amin. Aku rindu suasana Raya; the kecohness, the collections, THE TAKBIR! You can only hear it like once in a year. I din't enjoy this year's one because we first went to Masjid Sembayang and th takbir wasn't what we expected at th Kampung. We were sitting at one corner and the rest, which were Families sat at one corner and talking, not takbir-ing. We then headed to Masjid Naim, but when we arrive thre, the takbir ends. Thus, we really didnt enjoy Takbir unlike previous years, at Masjid Istifar. Masjid Istifar's Takbir was on the radio and I wish I was there. The kids at Masjid Naim then played with Bunga Api, but we didn't joined in as we were grown ups. So, thre it was, the story of my Hari Raya.
I hope you enjoy the vid.
I'm really looking forward for tmrw, so dont make me down or up. Gdbye :D Happy Raya and I'm Sorry,
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