what nonsence

Last Mon, Cikgu Wardi picked us up from sch to make order for th class tee. Ash,Asri and Han didn't manage to follow due to Scott's KPO-ness. Meet up with mom at Tamp and so on.
Th next day, planned to have a grp study with Li, Ash, As & Han. We met up at WS, but they changed their plans to Town. Okehh, study so far for what? So, two grps study at diff places aye.Bought this dress which can make a photoshoot to railway. PS, I lost my favorite black scarf! I've searched th whole room of possible places. Oh my, I so love th tud, and nw its gone.
I hate school.
Even tho its called "School Holiday", there's no HOLIDAY because I still need to come back to school.
It doesn't make any sense. Don't let me mentioned abt the piles of HW; worse!
Faizal from Singapore Idol :D Tonight.
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