danial, me, asri - happy birthday!

21 March.
happy belated birthday to Danial,
happy birthday to Me &
happy advance birthday to Asri :D
celcebrated our party at Pasir Ris Park :Dwatched a kekek robot dance & mental dance from ABG UDIN & HUDZAIFAH ! hehe.
from their camera.
cut cake.. bla bla... ...
hehe- then..... SABO ! hmm, i swear that was my first time kena SABO ! serious.
first,cik sanisah ask us to dance.Danial & Asri dance the soldier boy song, i stand there, malu. i saw kak eera with a BIG bottle of brown liquid.i thought it was milo.so, heck care luuhh.sabo je lahh.suddenly, ayah tied us.asri and danial manadge to escape, i tried, but i was slow. kak diyana chased me with a 7up bottle, filled with...
disgusting lahh korang! bushyuk tao! i was like EWW ! standing there, and yet, asri and danial can keep dancing the song.haha! i change my baju.hehe.seriously smelly beb! pekat, nak muntah!bluekkkkkkkkkk ! then time for the grand opening of presents ! - my first present; slow and steady.. take a tiny peep at it, it was yellow.when i take it out from the wrapping paper, it was a spongebob bag from cik sanisah! thanks uh sis! okey, i'm sorry for shouting like an idiot just got electrified. i try to find that beg everywhere, but it was nowhere to be found.hehe.i also get a spongebob purse too :) - beg OP from kak diyana & family. beg adidas from wak yah. asri have the same beg, but black. mine is white. danial's is black, but PUMA. a frame from eezah.-a card from nina.the words are ? but its cute! the rest, Money :D ! asri get a stipe jacket. wow, thats nice.after that, the boys,abg's and pak ciks played soccer. me, kak eera and abg dzik went for cam whore! we saw the FULL-BIG-moon and it was beautiful!we played night game, gerek uhh! asri slalu kena denda, dance and sing.ahaha. ciann. ate marsh mellow.emm, sedapp! with the chocolate fudge.danial tu tak habis2 ckp 'thisISwhatCOOLlooksLIKE' ahaha.crap.the words that are written at his tee-S. went home at ? slept at 0340hrs. woke up at 0658hrs. and sleep back at ? hehe. these 3 videos are specially taken by abg udin :D and if you cant watch the video, go to www.youtube.com and search for 21march2008, from boncetta.
&& look, when its timing 40 sec, ayah is ready with the so called 'rope' behind us.
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