Ok, where should I start first . I don't have the mood to post as I'm annoyed with Friendster . I feel like deleting it . Should I ? Anyways, I get back my class photo, and will show it to peeps after Nadia had scan me those pictures . On Wednesday, during PE time, Syafiq was HOT when he went angry with Sharefa. Ok, here's the story, he was walking towards Sharefa with his chicken hands and while walking, the wind blew his hair and he was like, moving his hair away from his face, using his face. Understand ? uh, never mind. All I know that what happened was so cute, Although he was angry. Mr Tan, my maths teacher gave so many HW and like we need to pass it up the next day. So I spent the whole evening doing that maths HW. The next day, Mr Tan said that we do not need to pass it up . More than half the class didn't do. He actually thought of giving them detention or write lines. But he was TOO CRUEL for it. It's like, hey, Not fair. But who cares, at least I did some practise, unlike some people, who just don't bother right ? OHH, I was so busy doing my maths, until I forgot to do my malay HW. Good or what ? So basically, the next day at malay class, I need to stand while completing that HW. After I pass it up to Mdm Sunarti, called my name while I was heading back to my seat. I thought I was getting scolded.
She said - 'Ameelia, awak tak buat kerja rumah sebab waak berangan nak kahwin dgn Spongebob kan?' I was like, Pheww and - 'tak de lah![laugh] saye terlupe. cikgu matematik saye kasi banyak sgt kerja rumah..' -'oh ye ke? kalau saye nmpk.. jerawat.. hah! siap awk! .... kalau tk spongebob, Patrick ? ke, squidward ?'
She called me Mrs Spongebob :D
After school, I saw Ashraf eating and when he saw me, he hid himself. HAH ! stooopid. Malu kat kawan, tak malu kat Allah !' Yah, Whatever .
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