
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Un-Hiatus again.


Hello people of planet Earth. How are You?
I've been gg to school for three days straight during th holidays. Things had not been working out as I planned lately. But, it's ok. That's life. This blog has been dead for weeks. Wondering where th author had gone? -She's busy. I'm writing for her behalf. (macam faham.)

A summary of what had happen behind th scenes-
Photobucketat ard 5 whn my girls and I wre studying, munir etc clapped and cheered for th costomers of
th new v.machine, and we tagged along too.
Photobucketthursday was a big laughing day
Photobuckethigh cart sneakers
Photobuckethate money
Photobucketdesperate for a holiday
Photobucketmet Adam Lambert at Bugis, whom was hot, despite from his act of gay.
Photobuckethate money
Photobucketgentlemens rocks!
Photobucketthere's so many photos to upload :grrr,
PhotobucketCinta Exora makes me want to have a boyfriend. haha
Photobucketrude people sucks
Photobucketbake cookies and share it with my friends!
Photobuckethate money
Photobucketdont piss me off
Photobuckethate th feeling of regrets
Photobucketin love with Lee Dewyze!
Photobucketaction speeks louder than words
Photobucketaddicted to th song watya want from me and if i had you from adam lambert.
Photobuckettoo many hws.
Photobucketfed up is my new trademark
Photobucketimproved on amaths and get praised by Mr. Ding :)
PhotobucketI love Aaron's 12.5 megapix hp :O
Photobucketbaby, baby, baby oohh
Photobucketcotton on blouse ;;;;;
PhotobucketSAKE SHUSHI!
Photobuckethate money
Photobucketsungei road ;(



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