main display picture will soon be in :)

nina and darwis, trying to blow the 'sabo' candle, that cant be blown out!

ouhh.Today was Parents meeting session.Well,I'm the top 10 for my class and the whole N.A classes.Alhamdullilah.I
hopeWISH my parents are happy&proud with my results.
Steamboat party-
Nina/Darwis/Wak Yah 's Party.
Claps to Cik Misah's family for being the first comer.We had pancake while waiting for the others to arrive.When the rest came,Unfortunately,the plan,(put a bowl of water on top of the door) didn't work.Ouh man! but Eeza threw a water balloon at him.So,Darwis was wet at last.
We ate,laugh,eat again,made jokes,snap pictures,pose,eat again.As it's steamboat,there is a need for it to put all the ingredients inside the 'metal' bowl.When it's cooked,Everyone chooses whatever they want.I gave up as when i want to take it, others take it. So, i didn't ate that night.Only the refreshments.I had nothing to do,only stare at people eating.So,to fill up that 'boring-ness' , i became the 'photographer' of the day.Snap here and Snap there is what i do-including stupid/merepek pictures.After we cut the cake, and everything was smooth, Kak Eera&Abg Kiki cook prawn at hot plate.Without hesitation, i joined them.I find it delicious-though i'm not a prawn lover.ems, i know why! - cos I'm hungry lohh. hah! Then we look back at the pictures we-(me&ayah ft kak eera) took,through tv.We had fun laughing as daddy ask to zoom the pictures.
HAHAHAHAHA. After they left,Me,Ibu&kakEERA had a mini supper.- cos I'm hungry.
This party was one of a kind :)
Wow, i had a busy day-helping my mum.She did a lot of work till she didn't take her affternoon sleep.She deserve a big thanks from me! Thank You So Much MOMMY! & credits to...
-ayah for the tables & decorations.
-Eeza and Nina for their help of blowing balloons.
-Abg Udin,Me+Ayah ft Kak Eera for taking pictures.
-KakEERA,AbgKIKI,AbgSAIFUL for being the most supportive&wonderful posers.
-Most importantly-Dear mommy fro helping out for the food!
-And last, but not least-all the VIP's -those who came.
Tonight was a BURST-OUT !
pictures will soon arrive ! just wait lohh