don't let go

Subhanallah !
Rainbow lawa giler. zomgs, awesome colors !
I didn't have time to blog yesterday. I can't remember why. Anyway, there are more rumors of me. If you dare to tell, why don't you tell right to my face? haiyahh. eh, eh, Jason keep calling me gangster and he asked me to accept the fact that I am one. Ok fine, I Am ! so waht ? Cos I know I'm not :P In A maths lesson, I need to do the 1st step at the whiteboard without holding any paper or calculator. hah. Luckily I manage to do it, as I talk to myself in front of the whiteboard. lol. Oh, oh, on the 24th Feb was Daniel Tan's birthday! I hugged him. ahah. no lahh! haram tao. He rocks ! I love him. today, today, I skipped eng lesson. skip as not truancy la dhey. I need to type a 1200 word essay on Mr Low's laptop. woots. Audrey and I are joining a competition. I wrote about 'What makes a good teacher' and I myself dont believe that I manage to write more than a thousand. wow, wow.
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