The picture said "Help me, I'm lost!" -more on her picture on my Deviantart!
Does seeing someone in pain makes you feel great? Yess, I'm talking about the three sisters of mine. Thinking they could mess around with my feelings. Thinking that it's such a big joke that people will laugh and feel happy. Irritated? No. Sakit hati.
I enjoyed after sch, fooled around during amaths remedial, went back home with dear Liana and Eelah :D Bought OCK, receive a poster, magazine and some pictures of Hyun Jyun and BOF from Besslyn. Thanks yo. Then, then, saw payung guy. haha.
Desperately going to ***Beach Road, Bugis, Comics Cellection, Kallang* !
"You remind me of David Archuleta" - @ Anugerah judge to Hydir
For th first time, his voice was like 'awh, thats awesome !' and Syed Az was super HOT!
Teens & Teenage magazine anwered my prayers! I send them an email abt thanks for BOF poster and article and told them i want more of korea feautures. Guess what? BOF was on th cover, Suju and SS501 DBSK etc was in! YAHOO!
Blog is making problem. Abg's wedding post will be postponed. More pictures are at Deviantart and Facebook.
Labels: hungry